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Harvest Hills Community

Harvest Hills Community
195 Oak Hill Cluster
Independence, MO 64057
Harvest Hills Office - 816-295-5415
Office Email -
Announcements -
Website -
Harvest Hills Announcements

Food Pantry
Our Community Food Pantry is located in the
foyer of the
HH Community Center
If each family could donate a couple of cans of food each month, it would be greatly appreciated.
If you need it, take it. If you have enough, pay it forward.
Drop off any time
during the day.

2nd Sunday of every month, in the
HH Community Center
at 12:30 pm.
Bring a dish.
Everyone is welcome!

Parents and grandparents, please talk with your children about not taking the pebbles out of the playground.
It messes up the grass and damages the lawn mowers.
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