Harvest Hills Community
Harvest Hills Association General Conditions for Home Improvement
The ALUP Committee is designated in the Harvest Hills Subdivision Regulations of the Protective Covenants, namely to review and make recommendations to the HHA Board concerning the outside appearance, or exterior alterations proposed on all property within the subdivision.
2. There is no need to submit an application, if your home improvements are replacing the same, like, and kind. (Example: Painting your house the same existing paint color, or replacing an existing deck or shed of the same size).
If your home improvements are replacing, enlarging, or modifying an existing structure (Example: replacing an existing deck or shed with a different size, or painting your house a different color other than the existing paint color), then you are required to submit a Home Improvement Application.
3. Please submit the Home Improvement Application to one of the ALUP Co-Chairs, Chris Rutledge, ALUP Committee
meeting will be set up on site, to review the property for proposed home improvement(s). ALUP Committee will make a recommendation to the HHA Board for approval. A letter will then be mailed to the resident informing the resident of the HHA Board decision.
4. The Harvest Hills Association encourages residents to follow city, county and state laws. The ALUP Committee and the Harvest Hills Association's approval, DOES NOT constitute approval from the city, county, or state.
The homeowner is responsible for acquiring the proper building permits and approvals.
Contact: Independence Community Development Division, Eric Fitch/ Residential Plans Examiner. (816) 325-7769.
5. Many utility lines are located underground and out of sight. Digging carelessly can cause disruption of vital utility services and environmental damage, or even loss of life.
Contact: Call 1-800-DIG RITE or call 811 before you start any project which requires digging.
6. Any requests to build a firepit, must first be approved, by the Independence Fire Department. A copy of their issued permit must then be submitted to the ALUP Committee, who will then make a recommendation to the Harvest Hills Board for approval.
Contact: Fire Prevention Division, Assistant Chief, John Dixon, 950 N. Spring St., Independence, MO 64057. Phone: (816) 325-7121. www.indepmo.org/fire
7. Any Harvest Hills Association Board member or Harvest Hills Association committee member, who privately consults or subcontracts to a Harvest Hills resident about a building project, etc., is not authorized to represent the Harvest Hills Association Board or ALUP Committee in said consultation/building project. All ALUP Committee and Harvest Hills Board communication/decisions shall be provided to the resident in writing.
8. In the event, the ALUP Committee and/or the Harvest Hills Board fails to take action within 45 days after receiving a written application, approval will not be required and the application request (as listed in the Protective Covenants) will be deemed to have been fully complied with; however, this does not include the city, county and state requirements for permits/approval.
Harvest Hills Subdivision
Declaration of the Protective Covenants
Article VII – Architectural Control Committee
Section 1.
Review By Committee.
"No sign, building, awning, fence, outside antenna, wall or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon the properties nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be made until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by the Architectural and Land Use Planning Committee and the Board of Directors of the Harvest Hills Association".
Architectural and Land Use Planning Committee (ALUP)
The major function of the ALUP Committee is designated in the
Harvest Hills Subdivision Regulations of the Protective Covenants,
namely to review and make recommendations to the Board
concerning the outside appearance, or alterations proposed on
all property within the subdivision.
Harvest Hills Association
195 Oak Hill Cluster
Independence, MO 64057
Architectural and Land Use Planning Committee
Home Improvement Application
Owner’s Name____________________________________________________________ Section: _______ Lot: _____
Property Address____________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different) __________________________________________________________________________
Email_______________________________________________________________ Cell__________________________
Anticipated Dates of Construction:
Proposed Start Date__________________ Proposed Finish Date_________________
Construction is to be done by:
Owner____ Contractor____
Style of Home:
Condo____ Townhome____ Single Family____ Rental Unit____ Earth Contact____ Dome____
Location of Changes:
Front of Property____ Back of Property____ Side of Property____ Roof____ Other____
Describe: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Improvement Construction Request For:
Fence____ Patio____ Deck____ Shed____ Awning____ Wall____ Driveway____ Antenna / Satellite Dish____ Solar Panel____ Firepit____ Painting Exterior____ Roof____ Other ____
Are you replacing, enlarging or modifying an existing structure:
What type of siding will be used:
Lap____ Vinyl____ T-111____ Other____ (Must match home)
Materials Used:
Metal____ Wood____ Paint/Stain Colors____ Other____
Describe: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Described Proposed Improvements:
Dimensions: Height, Width, Length, Size and Spacing, Total Square Footage
Attach and submit any supporting documents with this application:
Plans____ Documents____ Drawings____ Pictures/Photos____ Building Permits____ Other____
Signature of Applicant____________________________________________________ Date______________________
ALUP Committee Only
Signed By ALUP Chair Only
Date Application Received: ____________________ By_________________________________________________
ALUP Committee: Approved____ Disapproved_____ Date_______________
Harvest Hills Board: Approved____ Disapproved____ Date_______________
ALUP Committee’s letter to the homeowner, HHA Board’s decision to approval or disapproval.
Was Sent to Resident:
Proof of mailing: Yes____ No____ Mailed by: _______________ Date_______________
Attach copy of the letter and proof of mailing to application and submit to HHA Board to be put in the HHA Board minutes.
Committee Members
Ron Clark
Chris Rutledge
Roy Browne
Rick Darby
Tammy Noble
Greg Noble
Ashley Shomin

If you plan any excavation, from digging in your own yard to a commercial project, Missouri law requires that you notify Missouri One Call System. Call 8-1-1 or 1-800-DIG-RITE (344-7483). Many utility lines are located underground and out of sight. Digging carelessly can cause disruption of vital utility services and environmental damage, or even loss of life.